Saturday, January 16, 2016

An Analysis of Trangenderism: Its Logical Impossibility

If a biological male identifies as a woman, his association with womanhood must include the possibility that a biological female can equally identify as a male.

Therefore, since biological maleness is not indicative of male identity, the biologically female factors that are being sought are rendered no longer indicators of the female gender identity being identified with.

The sword cuts both ways.

Since according to this logic biological sex is not an indication of gender identity, then in no way could a biological male actually identify with the biologically female form in order to appropriate a female identity.

By disjointing sex and gender, it renders it impossible to identify sex with gender, and so a male identifying with a female form does nothing to appropriate female identity, because the female form is no longer the locus of the female identity.

But if the biological form is indicative or determinative of gender identity, then the form's biological fixedness would render the gender identity impossible to appropriate by someone not of that form.

By making one's own biological form non-indicative of one's gender identity, it renders the other form equally non-indicative.

Therefore, appropriation (e.g. through surgery or hormone treatments) of another biological form becomes intrinsically meaningless in terms of appropriating any corresponding gender identity, for according to this theory there is no gender corresponding to any biological form.

In attempting to liberate one’s identity from one's own form, one has simultaneously cut themselves off from meaningfully appropriating the other identity because that identity can no longer be linked to any corresponding form.

Since, according to this theory, the female form has no intrinsic female identity, then adopting the female form does not succeed in appropriating the female identity.

Thus the man who attempts to claim he is a female has become absurd, for if his form is not indicative of his identity, then the female form cannot be indicative of a female identity, and no one form can be claimed as indicative of any other identity.

In this way all notions of gender are rendered fundamentally meaningless, for if there is no biological component to gender, then the female and male genders have about as much meaning as the green and blue genders, the seven and twelve genders, and the funny, twirly, soft, and swift genders.

Changing to biological femaleness (a genetic impossibility) therefore does not succeed in appropriating the female identity, because the female identity is no longer intrinsically connected to the female form.

Transgenderism is therefore a logical impossibility which seeks to self-contradictingly determine an identity through a form while denying that form can determine identity. 

Either identity is linked to biology or it is not; if it is linked, then it is impossible to claim the identity of another form; if it is not linked, then no appropriation of the other form will suffice to actually appropriate the other identity.